Complaint form does its utmost to provide quality services to its customers and partners. However, if you have any comments to make about our services, we would like to hear from you. Thank you for helping us improve our services.

What your complaint must contain to be admissible, your complaint must not concern an issue that has already been the subject of a complaint, nor an issue which last occurred more than six months ago. 

Your identity must be stated and you must have been directly involved in the subject of the complaint. Please note that you may not file a complaint on behalf of a third party. We guarantee that your data will be processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), that your privacy will be respected and that we will process your request with complete confidentiality. 

The timeframe for processing your complaint We will let you know within 10 days whether your complaint meets the above-mentioned conditions. If your complaint meets the conditions, we will seek a solution with the service concerned and improvement measures. You will be informed of the action taken no later than 60 days after your complaint has been lodged.

Our commitment to improvement has defined continuous improvement as one of its core values. Your feedback is part of this desire to improve and to challenge ourselves in order to evolve, and develop appropriate solutions.

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Ma plainte

Formulez votre plainte de façon claire, précise et complète.
Soyez bref : le service vous contactera s’il souhaite des renseignements complémentaires.

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10 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx.


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